Business in money: Reese Witherspoon spoke about the statement of the former husband at Oscar 2002


Recently, Hollywood actress Reese Witherspoon reminded the unusual case that had happened to her at the Oscar award in 2002. Then her former spouse Rainy Philip ambiguously spoke about family revenues. The actress herself admitted that he had already forgotten about that situation.

Recall, Rain Philipp, rising to the scene along with Reese, unexpectedly stated that she should say it, because he gets more than he. Witherspoon and really at that time was one of the highest paid stars of Hollywood, but the actress's events were not ready for such a turn.

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"His words were not spelled out in some scenarios. He did not tell me about it before said on the air. I, too, was a little confused at that moment, "the actress admitted to the" HFPA in Conversation "podcast.

Recall, Reese and Raine broke up in 2006 after seven years of marriage. However, the official divorce they issued only in 2008. The couple had two children - a 21-year-old daughter Ava and the 17-year-old son Dicon.

Now Witherspoon is happy in marriage with Jim Tom, from which the 8-year-old Son of Tennessee is raising. Financial issues in the new family never arose.

But the celebrity remembered how one day she had to explain his daughter that there was nothing wrong with the women in big earnings. Ava, studying in the second grade, somehow returned home in tears, informing the mother that classmates were reproached by her mother's material state.

"Never be ashamed of a woman earning money. The more women will earn big money, the more they can take care of society. Financial stability is freedom "" - gave daughter a farewell of Reese Witherspoon.

Actress is confident that since the Oscar of 2002, a lot has changed in society. Now, according to her, to women earning a lot of money, the ratio has changed.

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