"All wider and wider": Anna Semenovich fans did not appreciate the piquant photo


Anna Semenovich was not sitting on the New Year holidays. Despite all the constraints associated with the pandemic, it was literally embarrassed. Fans of the singer admitted that he had time to get tired and now intends to restore forces.

"Oh, the rapid days were, I had a lot of flights, moving and every day on a suitcase. It is time to love yourself and give the opportunity to relax, "Semenovich decided.

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According to the singer, in the next couple of days, she intends to fumble and regularly drink vitamins. From the festive champagne Anna decided to refuse. And very soon, in just a few days, the actress is waiting for a trip to the Red Polyana.

"Fresh air and skiing to enjoy will quickly put me in order," the singer is sure.

Semenovich attached a seductive photo with styling with wet hair effect. In the frame of the star stands in a soft bathrobe, talking over one shoulder and neckline zone. The artist Tomno looked into the chamber and brought one hand to the face. The photographer Maria Plaksina became the author of the pictures.

However, not to all fans the frame came to the soul. Some noted that Anna again recovered again, and the open parts of the body only emphasize her extra kilograms.

"Through an immense? All wider, and wider, and wider, "Bees are sophisticated?", "Is that exactly beautiful?", "Pynes", - the comments in the photo. However, the celebrity did not respond to them.

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