"Olivier made his black case": "Skillish" Galusto did not know on the new photo


Mikhail Galustyan published a photo in Instagram, on which he had an accepted not only beard. The fact is that recently a humorist got rid of vegetation on his face. By the way, after ten years of its continuous growing. The artist admitted that the first time was discomfort from a smooth chin and cheeks, but expressed confidence that he would restore the beard pretty quickly.

In the new photo, Mikhail is not easy to learn, because during the festive feasts, he clearly added in weight, which was reflected even on the face. Galustyan offered subscribers to answer the next question: "Everything is enough to eat, it's time to go. Or so ok? ".

The fans were surprised by the picture and fell asleep idols in diverse comments: "Olivier made his black business," "As soon as the face in the frame was placed!", "Why spoil diet such beauty?", "Director of Shaurma?", "Entitiously spawned, I'm losing weight with you "," Weak drink - strong inspired. "

Some subscribers doubted the authenticity of the photo and suggested that it did not escape treatment in graphic editors to enhance the gained weight effect. Others objected to skeptics. Not so long ago, Mikhail Galustyan fell Coronavirus, his overweight could have become a side effect from the return of taste and olfactory sensations at the festive table. However, judging by Mikhail's cheerful comments, the picture is really the result of photoshop.

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