"Major" with Pavel primarily entered the leaders in the reviews for the New Year holidays


The Internet Platform "Film Engine HD" summed up views on New Year's holidays. During the holidays, the full-length film "Major" with Paulil in the lead role and Saga about Harry Potter scored the most views, the press service of the online cinema reports. In total, during the rest, the picture of Maxim Polynesky and Nikolai Bulygin looked more than half a million people.

The film "Major" is a continuation of the sensational series about the life of the former criminal, which became a participant in a secular part. Trying to get away from the persecution of enemies and people from the organs, the protagonist of the film wants to sort it yourself and in what role he plays in life. Digital film premiere took place on January 2, 2021 on the Kinopoisk HD platform.

The TASS news agency appealed to the press service of the platform asking you how votes were calculated. Journalists explained that the total number of visits included subscribers of Yandex.Plus services with more.tv and with "Adediakoy" who looked at the film for more than two minutes. The counting of votes was conducted from December 31 to January 10. The press service also noted the growth trend of day-made views on holidays.

It is possible that such interest in the picture was called by a recent loud incident, which happened to the executor of the leading role - actor Paulil. According to primarily, he was brutally beaten in one of the nightclubs of Kaliningrad so that the artist needed an operation on the face. Currently, under the fact of the attack, a criminal case was initiated.

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