"Three generations, one person": Maria Guban conquered the photo fans with mom and daughter


The star of the series "Kitchen" surprised fans with their family photos. The 34-year-old actress posted a frame in his Instagram, on which he poses along with his relatives - Mom Larisa Zibrova and a six-year-old daughter Stephanie. Three wonderful family representatives went to relax in the Maldives. Photo star made in the cabin plane to capture a memorable moment. In the frame, female half of the Guban-Zibrov family sits in the aircraft chairs and smiling at the camera. Literally the day before the flight, Maria returned from Bali vacation, where he rested with his wife Cyril Zotkin.

Grandma, daughter and granddaughter look really very similar. Maria in his interview repeatedly admitted that she was often confused with her mother, they were distinguished by the length of the hair. But the smile at mom and daughter is absolutely the same. Little Stephenia has the same charming smile and shine in the eyes. Larisa Zibrova was theatrical actress, but after the birth of the daughter left the theater and now it's up with his granddaughter. Gorban often lays out frames with joint photo shoots, as well as from travel, and often for a larger actress effect chooses for filming the style of clothing "Family Look".

Folloviers could not not note the extraordinary similarity of all three representatives of the beautiful floor - from Mala to Great. "Three generations, one person", "Three of the Lartz!" Copy! "," What are you all similar! "," As if one person, but at different ages. "

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