The creator of the "Office" replied whether the reboot of the show is possible


In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, hearing was held in 2020 that Nbcuniversal and producer Greg Daniels were interested in reviving the "Office" popular comedy comedian show, in which well-known characters would interact with remote work in their home offices. However, the hearing was never confirmed and the reboot of the project did not happen. Nevertheless, according to the same Daniels, the chances of this are.

The creator of the series commented on the possibility of the revival of the "Office", saying that it was quite possible, as reported by ComicBook. And although at the moment the reboot of the project is not in active development, the comedy fans have every chance to see the reboot.

"It's definitely not impossible. I would like to connect [to reboot], but I have two other shows that I work right now, "Daniels said.

Recall, last year, the producer released two projects - the fantastic series "Loading" for Amazon Prime Video and the Space Force Comedy Show for NetFlix. Both were extended by the second season.

Meanwhile, actor Steve Karell, who played a pseudocumental comedy "Office" the main role, has repeatedly spoke in an interview, which is not planning to return to the role of Michael Scott. But several of his colleagues on the set, on the contrary, expressed a desire to participate in reboot.

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