Selena Gomez announced the release of 2 seasons of her culinary show


The singer and actress Selena Gomez seemed to be seriously fascinated by culinary experiments. The girl decided to continue the shooting of his own show "Selena + Chef" (Selena + Chef), which has become a real hit during a pandemic.

Recall, the first season of the culinary show Selena Gomez came out in the midst of Quarantine on the HBO Max TV channel and showed that even at home, you can cook exquisite dishes.

The show in the literal sense is removed in the kitchen. His heroes - 10 chefs who tell how to prepare a particular dish and share tips. The program has become very popular when, due to coronavirus, many people were forced to sit at home and did not know how to take themselves.

Selena Gomez announced that Hit was extended by the second season. The principle of the show will not change. The girl will still meet chefs in her kitchen and together with them step by step to prepare different goodies.

The singer announced the new season of the culinary show on Twitter, promising even more delicious recipes and stunning guests. "Some of them will randomly set up me," the intrigue added the girl.

By the way, in the first season, the village of Selena introduced a tradition - at the end of each release, she donates 10 thousand dollars of a charitable organization, which he chose a participant in the program. In the second season, the singer will continue to do it.

Watch the new season of Culinary Show Selena Gomez will be from January 21.

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