The director of the series "Wanda / Vizhn" told how he worked in the Marvel Studios team


The Marvel Studio is famous for its warm atmosphere and tries to provide directors to the maximum creative space. About your experience of cooperation with the command of producer Kevin Faigi told the portal Comic Book Movie, the director of all episodes of the mini-series "Wanda / Vizhn" Matt Shekman ("In Philadelphia is always sunny"):

"The director provides an impressive space for freedom, but at the same time there is a huge support from all sides, i.e. No of this pressure. Kevin Faigi and his team are incredibly contributing to the improvement of the creative climate, and it helps. Knowledge and experience that Kevin shared in the process of creating a show was priceless. And, perhaps, this is part of the secret ingredient, thanks to which he has everything so wonderful. "

Superhero Drama Jacqueline Sheffer ("Black Widow") tells about the complex life period of Vanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen), which in attempts to survive the death of his beloved Vizhn (Paul Bettany) creates an alternative reality, where her beloved is alive and the world exists according to the laws of classical Hollywood Sitkov last century. All this gradually leads to depressing consequences, and until a catastrophe occurred, the witch scarlet needs to be exit from this state, but it will be very difficult.

Based on the views of the first spectators, which are based on three starting episodes, the Fayg team managed to remove one of the most interesting original projects of the entire cinematic universe. The premiere of "Vanda / Vizhn" will take place tomorrow at the Disney + streaming service.

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