"The child burned hands": Victoria Bonya was indignant to the appeal with her daughter at school


Victoria Bonya tells users of the network literally about everything that happens in her life. She informs how the fitness is engaged in fitness, makes a manicure, goes shopping and even considers Christmas toys on the New Year tree.

And the other day, Victoria shared with the subscribers with his indignation about the fact that her eight-year-old daughter Angelina-Leticia in the school burned hands with an antiseptic.

"She cries, hurt. Well, how can the child can be applied to the palm gel several times a day? They burned the skin of my daughter's hands using a stupid alcohol gel five times a day, "the ex-star" House-2 "is indignant in Russian and in English.

On the video in Stories, the Bonya asks Angelina-Leticia to show that it became with her handles after processing a disinfecting agent. It can be seen that the skin on them really became very dry and even slightly peel.

Recall, Victoria's daughter is studying at a school in Monaco, where the family lives at present. In the establishment in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, strict requirements were introduced, according to which teachers are obliged to process the hands of student in sanitizers.

How now the star intends to deal with the teachers, whether she turned with his claims to the school director or its indignation will remain only online, the bonia has not yet reported subscribers.

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