"Stop resisting": Rosa Syabitova shared that the days lies due to illness


Rosa Xiabitov in the early days of the new year felt strong malaise, and since she was accustomed to listen to her body, he decided to follow their feelings. Telesvach knows: if he felt badly, then it is necessary for several days to observe an exceptionally bed mode and move as little as possible.

"I have a unique property: when my body has no strength and he needs a full-fledged rest, he literally places me into bed. In a different way, I will not agree with me. When it happens to me, I cease to resist and always do the same thing: I turn off the phone and lying in bed in bed, "the co-host Larisa Guzeyeva admitted.

Rosa Syabitova, together with the message about the disease, published a photo on which posed in red pajamas, lying on the bed in a very small bedroom. Her subscribers even asked what a room was a room that almost completely occupies a sleeping bed Rosa Raifovna.

But the star of the program "Let's get married!" ignored such questions. And about the period of recovery in which she is now, noted that at this time the essential and physical silence season comes for it.

And how much time will last "rest", it does not know, but now it is sick, and therefore it is in bed and outside the access zone for everyone who is trying to call her.

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