"Then the poor children are shy": Valery criticized for the internal name of granddaughter


Liana Schulgin, the wife of the younger son Valeria, the other day noted the 23rd anniversary. Such an event could not miss the famous artist. In addition, only two weeks ago Liana gave birth to the singer first granddaughter.

"Thank you so much for our extraordinary settlement," thanked Valery a young mother. According to a 52-year-old star, she already loves the baby "to the impossibility."

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The opinions of subscribers were divided under the post. Some praised the singer for the warm words in the address of the daughter-in-law, while others considered congratulations "okay". In addition, some readers negatively responded to the name, which Liana and Arseny Schulgin chose for her daughter.

"The Russian name was not found?", "Then the poor children are shy, in school tease", "Why did such a strange name given?" - crushed in the comments.

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Valeria did not join the playback with Heites, and only noted that in Russia few people give their children the Russian names, the more they all have ancient Greek origin. In addition, previously happy parents announced that Celine is a combination of their own names. "Senya + Liana = Celine," wrote in Storky Schulgin.

Recall that granddaughter Valeria appeared on January 1 in one of the elite hospitals of Moscow. "This New Year's Eve was truly magical," the new grandmother in his Instagram said with delight.

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