Wousy Goldberg wants to be the first American doctor who


Wousy Goldberg hopes to become the first American actress, which will play in the world's longest in the world by the British scientific fiction television series "Doctor Who".

The BBC project tells about the alien traveler in time and space known as the doctor who saves people and even entire civilizations.

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Goldberg was striving to become the first woman in the role of the main character of the series, before the role of the thirteenth doctor who in 2017 was appointed British actress Jodie Whitaker.

But for VUPI, the most beloved reincarnation of an alien fighter for justice is the fourth - the one that the English actor Tom Baker was embodied on the screen. With him, she discussed her prospects and the opportunity to play in the continuation of the series.

"For me, Tom Baker is the best doctor. Of course, young doctors are good, but from the oldest is Tom Baker, "the Hollywood star believes.

Now that there are reports that Jodie Whitteker is going to leave the BBC project, Goldberg has a chance to fulfill his cherished dream - play the favorite TV series and become the first American actress that will play the role of the doctor traveling in its own car time.

Recall, "Doctor Who" first came out on the BBC TV channel on November 23, 1963. The series became a landmark for the UK, and its 50th anniversary in 2013, the country has greatly celebrated.

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