"You can study anatomy": Olga Buzova fans criticized the figure in bikini


The singer and TV presenter Olga Buzova regularly shares with fans moments of his holiday in Maldives. The actress is changing swimsuits from day to day, praising a slim figure. But the fans continue to worry because of excessive hull of celebrities.

The performer of Hita "Few Polovin" has updated its page in Instagram: Posted on the background of the ocean, standing on the knee in transparent water. Star put on turquoise bikini with a golden print in the form of palm leaves.

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Swimsuit opened the views. Flat belly and slim legs of the artist. The color of the bikini emphasized the bronze tan of Olga. But many subscribers in the social network noted that the skin on the edges of the singer really stretched because of her thin.

"What are you thin," "the ribs are not very beautiful", "you can study anatomy. You would have roam, "I was completely disgraced, directly bust," wrote concerned follovers.

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Earlier Buzova stated that its current figure is the result of training and nutrition restrictions. Artist is sure that it is almost in perfect form, despite the criticism of Internet users.

Olga Buzova noticeably lost weight during training for the "Ice Age" show, which was on the air of the first channel. The singer devoted a lot of time and strength to the project and, at the same time, continued to lead "Dom-2", take clips to their songs and participate in events.

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