Gwen Stephanie regrets that Blake Shelton did not make her an offer earlier


Gwen Stefani shared with fans of joyful news. In October, an important event occurred in her life - her groom Blake Shelton took a star to the star. Gwen told the subscribers of his account in Instagram.

The picture published in the social network, Gwen and Blake kiss. At the same time, an actress wrote in the comments under the photo: "Yes, please!" And added emoji with the image of the ring as a wan symbol.

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It is known that the couple is found for five years. The other day, in an interview with the leading Jimmy Fallon Stephanie, he said that he was very sorry for the fact that the beloved did not make her proposal before.

"Blake why you could not do it before! Now we cannot arrange a wedding because of a pandemic, "says Gwen.

The actress noted that he did not expect such an event in her life. Shelton first told his plans to relatives. According to Gwen, she thought about it for a long time, the thought of legitimate marriage was always in her head, but the cherished words heard only in October 2020.

It is worth noting that the couple really decided to wait with the wedding. Celebration will occur when the pandemic is completed to make it possible to conduct an official ceremony.

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