All on the assault: Supporters Donald Trump attacked Capitol in Washington


On January 6, the crowd of supporters of Donald Trump broke into the Capitol building and surrounded the Hall of the Senate, which took place at the approval of the results of the presidential elections. As you know, as a result of the voting, a candidate from the Democratic Party of Joe Biden won, however, the current Republican is not intended to recognize his own defeat. And his numerous supporters who gathered to the capital of the United States from all over the country demanded revision of the results of presidential elections.

"Protesters attacked the capitol and surrounded the Senate Hall. They asked us to stay inside, "Posted by Senator James Lankford in Twitter.

The Senate and the House of Representatives hastily interrupted the meeting and left the Capitol building. And to overclock the demonstrators, the National Guard, Special Forces of the FBI and the police were mobilized. Law enforcement officers, testing the territory of the Capitol from the protesters, used tear gas and weapons of non-leaves. However, according to the latest data, several people were injured in a collision with police, and four died.

Yesterday, the mayor of Washington introduced the Commandant hour in the city from 6 o'clock in the evening for all citizens, excluding emergency staff and media representatives. On the same day, Donald Trump held a rally, stating that he won the election.

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