Star "Vomot" Riz Ahmed secretly married


British actor and musician Reese Ahmed accidentally discharged that she recently acquired his wife. A repeated nominee for the British independent cinema award took part in the Grounded subcaster with Louis Tera, where he told about the latest works, about the influence of a pandemic on him and his family members, and also indirectly admitted that recently married. The conversation about it came after the words of Riza that he was not going to return to the UK soon, since "his wife's family" is located in America. The actor was engaged in new filming in California and, as it turned out, managed to find a life companion.

Then the leading Louis Theer focused on this and said that he was not aware of a significant event, asking how long Ahmed was married. The owner "Emmy" replied: "In fact, not very long. I think this is the first time I mention this in an interview, so my congratulations with this incredibly exciting news. " The artist noted that it never applies to personal life, so the name of his wife and other details did not open.

Nevertheless, the actor found it necessary to mention two relatives, whom he lost last year because of the coronavirus pandemic. "Many people do not perceive the danger seriously. I wanted to shout: "Hey, listen, it's real!" It was very influenced by me and my family, "Ahmed admitted.

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