After three miscarriages: Nick Carter from Backstreet Boys and his wife are waiting for the third child


The American singer Nick Carter with his wife Lauren admitted that they were waiting for the third child, which should be born already in April. For a long time, the artist's wife did not know what was pregnant, because at all I did not wait for it. The fact is that the married couple has lost unborn children several times in recent years in recent years, and the doctors morally prepared Lauren to the fact that she would no longer be able to become pregnant. However, 2020 presented to Niku and his beloved surprise - they are waiting for the third child.

In an interview with People, Lauren told about how she learned about the new pregnancy: "Once I just felt something moving in my body, and said:" Nick, something is wrong. I think I need to see a doctor. Something is wrong with me. " Carter's wife admitted that her first thought was the idea of ​​the tumor, since "symptoms of pregnancy" she did not observe at all. "I have long configured that we will have only two children, and was not ready for this," Lauren shared.

Shortly before this event, a couple even discussed the possibility of appeal to surrogate motherhood. On several miscarriages in the family were known only to close people, since in society, this topic is semlessly considered forbidden. Now the star Backstreet Boys and his wives grow two children - a 4-year-old son alone and a year old daughter Sirsha. With the new pregnancy, Loren admitted that he almost left that emotional depression, which was tested after miscarriage.

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