Star "Stranger" Katrina Balf criticized the profession of the model


Irish model and actress Katrina Balf, known to participate in the film "Stranger", in the last interview for the subcaster Angela Skanllon spoke about the difficulties faced at the beginning of a career when there was a model. Balf began his first steps in the fashion industry and soon reached Paris. Subsequently, she became a representative of such houses as Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana and Balenciaga.

In a conversation with the leading program, Katrina admitted that he was constantly faced with pressure when he worked as a model: "You will automatically be fun, interesting, active, so that you wanted to communicate fashion people. At the same time, it is necessary to be thin and androgenic. " The actress shared the fact that it is difficult to be in a state of constant competition, since there were always people who have better, "and the models were constantly compared with each other. "For a young woman, 20 years is very difficult," the balf confessed.

According to the artist, the agencies that are engaged in a career of the model play an important role. Katrina admitted that she was in many ways lucky, as she worked with several "wonderful bookmakers and stunning agencies", but were in her memory and unsuccessful transactions with the managers, which dictated all the moments of appearance, positioning, income that could break "the rapid Personality. "

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