Boxer Archie on new frames from the fifth season "Riverdale"


About the premiere of the fifth season "Riverdale" is known more and more. New cadres of the debut episode show that before going to the graduation ball, Archi Andrews (Kay Jay APA) will defend his honor in the ring.

Boxer Archie on new frames from the fifth season

Boxer Archie on new frames from the fifth season

Boxer Archie on new frames from the fifth season

The hero will fall in a boxing match with a fighter named K. O. Kelly - thereby Archie hopes to impress the command of the Naval Academy. At one of the photos, Archi simply stands in the ring, thinking about something in its own, and on others they are shown directly moments of battle. He got into the frame and coach of the hero - they became the former sheriff of the city police Tom Keller (Martin Kammins).

Boxer Archie on new frames from the fifth season

Special attention in the first episode of the fifth season is allocated with a graduation ball, and therefore in new pictures you can again see characters in all its glory. Of course, it will not be just an ordinary fun party, because at some point Betty Cooper (Lily Reinhart) will find something ominous. This is evidenced by the photo on which the heroine with a frightened face stands near the electric chuck. This may be due to the investigation, which was carried out by Betty and Jaghead (Cole in Apus) in the hope of revealing the mysterious and alarming cassette.

Boxer Archie on new frames from the fifth season

Boxer Archie on new frames from the fifth season

Boxer Archie on new frames from the fifth season

Boxer Archie on new frames from the fifth season

Boxer Archie on new frames from the fifth season

Boxer Archie on new frames from the fifth season

Boxer Archie on new frames from the fifth season

Boxer Archie on new frames from the fifth season

The premiere of the fifth season "Riverdale" is scheduled for January 20.

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