"Hold it in secret": Kim Kardashian is divorced with Kanye West


Musician and presidential candidate Kanye West and model Kim Kardashian are planning to divorce. This is reported by the publication Page Six with reference to the source close to the family.

According to Insider, Kardashian has already appealed to the famous lawyer on divorce Lore Wasser, so that it represents her interests in court, and the divorce itself is inevitable.

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"They keep it secret. But still bred. Kim hired Laura Wasser, there are already negotiations about the settlement, "says insider.

Now West went to the New Year holidays in Wyoming and spends them separately from the spouse to settle all disagreements and calmly disperse.

Recall, West began to meet with Kim Kardashian in 2012, and a year later, in the fall of 2013, made her an offer. For eight years of living together, a couple started four children: in 2013 Kim gave birth to a daughter North West, and two years later - Son Saint West. In 2018, a couple started with the help of surrogate motherhood of a third child, the daughter of Chicago West, and in the spring of 2019 they had a son of Psalm West.

For the first time, the divorce was spoken after the scandalous performance of the musician as part of his election campaign, on which he spoke about the planned abortion of Kim. Speech so much struck his spouse that, according to the recognition of the West himself, he was planned to even "locate with the doctor."

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