Star "Friends" Courtney Coke shared first photos with a loved one after a long separation


A coronavirus infection pandemic has made adjustments to people around the world. Due to the announced quarantine, the inhabitants of one country cannot visit relatives and friends in other countries.

So, the actress Courtney Koks recently shared with the fans of photographs with the beloved Johnny McDeid, with whom he was in forced long separation.

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"He had to go to Switzerland on business. At first he went to England, and then suddenly a quarantine was announced, "Courtney says.

She explained that he had no loved one for a long time. True, all this time chatting continued, but only online, so the beloved as if they were not parted.

"I just miss his physical touch, and it was very hard. And it lasted for a very long time, "the actress complains.

On his page in the social network, the star of the series "Friends" shared the first Selfies after nine months of separation from her beloved. In the photo 56-year-old coke hugging 44-year-old McDeid. Couple walks through the forest. Both are smiling happily into the chamber.

Recall, Courtney Cox and Johnny McDeid together for seven years. This year, Christmas and New Year actress noted without a boyfriend. She admitted that during Quarantine learned to prepare a lot of new dishes.

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