Amber Hurd joked that she is good to play evil women


Despite the fact that recently, Amber Herd because of the scandal with Johnny Depp, for many, the enemy number one, her life seemed to be improved. After her former spouse lost a claim for slander against the British edition of The Sun, the actress began to be treated as a person who really experienced violence, and rumors that studios prepare a couple of major proposals for her.

Now Herd performs one of the main roles in the film screening of the Roman Stephen King "Confrontation", and her heroine Nadin Cross is a very contradictory. In a recent interview, the artist explained how it interpreted this image. It turned out that it was important to show the humanity of the heroine, and also emphasize that "the seducer can also be vulnerable."

"I think Nadin is a seductive not more than surviving. It uses the tools that she has to survive in the world in which it belongs to it in a certain way, "the actress added.

Hurd joked that at present, the role of the Women's villainas approaches it as it is impossible, obviously, by making reference to history with Depp.

"What I seem to be really good is that it is to make the audience believe in the villain of a female character. In Akvament, I was strange to play someone who does not use women's spells to cause evil, "Amber shared.

Although many fans have signed a petition with a call to dismiss a church, it doesn't look like Warner Bros. going to go for them. So the actress, most likely, will reappear in Aquamene 2 as measures. The film premiere is scheduled for December 15, 2022.

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