"Personal feat": Delivanova plunged into the ice font without clothes


While many stars are resting at foreign resorts, Daria Relawnova prefers rest in Russian. Actress with a girlfriend Darya Solzhenicina holds New Year's holidays in Suzdal. There, in a country holiday home, girls enjoy traditional Russian fun - walks around the winter forest, bath with brooms and ice fonts. For the first time in his life, he plunged in cold water immediately after the wage and was delighted with sensations.

"And my personal feat! What? Plunge into the font after the harvest! " - Signed video Dasha. The actress admitted that cold water could not tolerate, so the font was for her a real courage. After the steamed Daria plunged into the ice water, she was very impressed and stated: "Feelings - bombing!" After the actress rested in a cozy wooden house on a comfortable sofa and offered subscribers to guess what character is like.

Folloviers rated the feat of the attorney and noticed that the bath and bathing in the font recalled them Anastasia Volochkov. "These are the best sensations! Well done, Daria! "," Looked at your legs, and you reminded me of Anastasia Volochkov, "Your example is infectious! I also don't like cold water, but I will decide! "," You are a hero, "the fans supported Daria.

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