Groom Gwen Stephanie convicted for "insensitive" song about love and salary


Gwen Stefani meets with Country singer Blake Shelton since 2015, and in musical and commercial terms Blake is much more successful than its famous chosen one. All albums of Shelton since 2011 have the status of platinum or gold, and they have already gained six pieces: Red River Blue, Cheers, It's Christmas, Based On A True Story and others.

In the New Single, released on the eve of 2021, Blake tried to tell another True Story, but it failed to him, according to the many fans of the Country singer himself and his beloved Gwen Stephanie.

The song of Sherton is called Minimum Wage and is inspired by love for excellent Stephanie. Among others, there are the following lines in Single: "Girl, your love will make a man feel rich with a minimal salary."

The fans did not appreciate the romantic-financial analogy and hit the singer a squall of critics on social networks: "Do you generally understand what is the minimum salary?", "Easy to sing about empty pockets, sitting in an elite mansion and drive around at sports cars!", "This The song is insensitive, although he tells about the feelings "," Millions of Americans have encountered material difficulties during a pandemic, you insulted in a sense of wealth at the minimum salary. "

Fans accused the Blake of Shelton in the fact that it is terribly far from the authentic aspirations of the American people. Some overseas editions turned to the representatives of the singer for comments that have not yet been received.

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