David Bowie widow refuses to marry again: "It was a real love"


The second spouse of the British rock singer David Bowie, model Iman Abdulmagid, after the death of her husband is not going to start a serious relationship again. The 65-year-old model reported on this on social networks. "David in our hearts and minds every day for all of us. You know, it was my real love. My daughter once asked me, if I would come out for someone again, and I said: "Never," said Bowie's widow.

The model married a musician in 1992 and lived with him until his death day in 2016. Iman said that they lived in an ordinary, beautiful marriage, like millions of other people, and she regrets that they didn't have even several years together: "He was very funny, a good gentleman - you know, everyone talks about his futuristic, But no, he loved to wear a three suit in the world. It was a beautiful, ordinary life, and in this her charm. "

Currently, the model lives in rural areas and is very glad that she changed a noisy city into secluded places. Iman tells about the daily campaigns in the mountains, the loves of nature, somewhat worries because of their own loneliness, but it rejoices that it is from those people who like the company alone with itself. " On the question of the upcoming aging, the model replied that she was Africa, and Africans "never feared aging." According to the widow of Bowie, aging in our world is a privilege.

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