Jessica Chestain criticized the "Game of Thrones": "Rape is a bad tool for the development of a character"


The star "Dark Phoenix" joined the set of dissatisfied spectators. However, Jessica Chestain criticized not bad computer graphics, unjustified death or stupidity of characters, and one particular scene with a dog and Sansa Stark. When Lady Winterfella replied to the hero that, without a motherhood, Ramsi Bolton and all the rest of his life, she remained a bird for his whole life, she did not agree with this. "Rape is a bad tool for the development of a character. It does not make anyone more. A woman does not need violence to turn into a butterfly. Ptashka has always been a phoenix. Her power comes from herself, "the star wrote.

Jessica Chestain criticized the

Jessica Chestain criticized the

Perhaps this statement actress killed two hares: showed her active civil position and at the same time recalled the emergence of the film "X-Men: Dark Phoenix". Sophie played in Kineomikse Gin Gray, in which, during an unsuccessful mission, a dangerous space essence is instilled, and Jessica performed the role of antagonists, manipulating heroine consciousness. The "Game of Thrones" will end at the end of May, and on June 6, the audience will be able to see the picture from the Fox Studio on large screens.

Jessica Chestain criticized the

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