The price of "Oscar" is $ 20 million: how much "Oscarsky" campaigns "Star born" and other nominees cost


This is what insiders say:

The budget of the Oscar campaigns for films that claim nominations in several categories to once (for example, the "star was born", "Roma", "Man on the Moon"), is about 20-30 million dollars. For example, this year Warner Bros. Pictures spent the promotion of the "star was born" a little less than 20 million dollars - for comparison, 20 million "Steel" Oscar campaign "Gravity" (earned 10 nominations at the Oscar), 25 million spent on the promotion of "Argo" (7 nominations).

For indie films, the budget is smaller, but also often at times exceeds the budget of the actual picture: Oscar campaigns of films of type "black clan" or "favorite" cost studio at 5-10 million dollars.

If you, like us, there is a legitimate question that you can spend 20 million to guarantee any nominations for Oscar, Variety has an answer:

As part of the campaigns for the promotion of a film studio, they arrange for members of the US Film Academy, which will then vote for nominees / laureates, all sorts of press events - most often in the format of dinners and specialware in prestigious institutions and expensive restaurants. There, future "voters" communicate with the stars of the film, "Singing" the impressions of a luxurious dinner and drinking expensive wines. It is not surprising that such events "fly into a penny".

Add to this expenses to collect as many influential members of the Film Academy in one place (and you have to carry them by plane, business class), rent cars for them, provide them with all souvenirs and press products dedicated to the film.

Netflix went even further - took and bought a whole press agency, specializing in Oscar campaigns (in addition to 25 million dollars spent directly on Promotion). The result is the impressive 10 nominations "Roma" at Oscar 2019.

We will see the final results of all these extravagant spending on the night from 24 to 25 February, when the annual Oscars will be distributed in Los Angeles.

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