Oscar 2019 will be available online in Russian


Kinopoisk acquired the rights to online broadcast from Disney (Conglomerate belongs to the ABC channel, where Oscar is broadcast) and will provide its readers to watch Oscar both in the original and synchronous Russian translation. The ceremony of the presentation will be held in Los Angeles on the night from 24 to 25 February Moscow time. The broadcasts will be accompanied by the comments of the editorial board and independent film essperts. The live broadcast will be available only for Russian viewers, but later the full record will be able to see in the CIS countries until March 19. The day after the premium, the portal lay out a 90-minute version of the ceremony prepared by the American Film Academy.

Recall, yesterday at 16:20 was announced a complete list of nominees for the Oscar Prize. Along with the expected nominees, for example, Alfonso Quaront with Roma film and Yorgos Lantimos with a "favorite", - there was a place in the list and such surprises as "Black Panther" from Ryan Kugler. For a long time, most viewers doubted that MARVEL filmmakes would really get at least one nomination for Oscar, and he received seven at once. It is noteworthy that the record holders in the number of nominations this year was the Disney studio and the Netflix stream service.

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