Photo: Ember Herd in "Incognito" mode on the background of hostility with Johnny Depp


On Sunday, Amber Herd captured during a lonely walk in one of Los Angeles Parks. The actress used the total star disguise to remain unrecognized, but she failed to avoid photographers. The Ember was in a sports suit, the head covered with a hood, and the face hid behind the eye stranded and sunglasses stretched.

Photo: Ember Herd in

One of the important recent events in the life of Herd is a loud victory in a long-term trial with her former husband Johnny Depp, which the actress accused of domestic violence. The British Court found the accusation of the Amber "to a large extent truthful" and donated Depp home tyrant, which had a negative impact on his career - the actor instantly fell under the sanctions of some kineles, and the Netflix Stregnation Service deleted all films from Johnny from his library. However, the actor does not give up: a new wave of court sessions in the case of domestic violence, as reported by Daily Mail, should begin in May.

Photo: Ember Herd in

Now the Ember is in relations with his colleague Bianke Boutti. During quarantine, they have repeatedly seen them together: a couple went around the city, holding hands, and once fell into the lens of paparazzi during a kiss. Bianca supported his beloved throughout the trial with Depp, and she, in turn, helped Boutti in the fight against breast cancer. Insiders describe the relationship of Ember and Bianchi as a "happy union that began with friendship."

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