Player: without rules and no doubt


As in life: if you do not follow the law, most likely you will be punished and you will need the help of a good lawyer ... Also, for example, in poker, a bad map came - Damn with her, the hand should be reset and start again. An attempt to crawl against nature and against mathematics itself with its law will end in the ninety percentage of cases of natural loss. And only ten percent of the likelihood is given that with a bad start, it will be possible to collect a good combination. Ace on the river will fall, for example. Knowing even the elementary rules of the game, you can only lose if there is a much more experienced rival against which, again, no sense. It is enough to leave again in the direction, not trying to break the wall of the wall, and stay at least with your or with minimal losses. Any player knows it. But obviously, the hero of the same name of the same name Professor Jim Bennett performed by Mark Walberg. Or, there is such a strange impression that all he knows, it just does it not called as it should. The question is one - why?

The drama of the first world

As Walberg himself noticed, he plays not just a character described by Brilliant Dostoevsky. And the professor, by the way, is indeed in its very first and original version of the literary hero of the Great Russian Writer. Just before reaching the viewer in 2015 in the image of a modern Ludoan, this person has undergone a lot of changes. The "player" was raised three times, and three times reviewed the literary base as the basis of the work, adjusting it to the current reality. Three times invited various stars capable of penetrating deep into the image of the forever reflective and depressive pupil of the first world.

Jim Bennet is rich. He is well arranged in life. It is not burdened with any family obligations, ranging from buying a fur coat to the eighth of March, and ending the need to finish the lecture at the university to catch the child's school play. Yes, he is just cheese in oil, and he is heated! About such a life is ready to dream, splashes black envy, billions of people. And he, see, as in that fairy tale, turned the hut back, and you look - not the facade. Jim Bennett is dissatisfied with how he lives. And therefore looking for third-party pleasures ... not somewhere, but in gambling games, which he aroused at night. And he doesn't just play, he loses the most crazy way. And it does it with enviable perseverance, although, judging by the fact that he does not look like a newcomer, nor an idea, this is done exclusively "from the harm." In his place, any Ludoman would have long mastered and began to be attentively treating where to put and how to put.

Moreover, you can see repeatedly that Jim gives tips. But he carefully ignores them. So, as if it simply does not need a victory. He does not need money. He needs ... Adrenaline feelings that are not enough in too sluggish the syrup life of people from the first world. He is pleased to inform the mother that she "in the case of what" all bones will break. It is pleasant to watch it, as its measured, fatty and fitting life suddenly begins to creak of panic ice crystallines. Jim is interested in painting salt on his own wounds, recalling that his book was not recognized as genious. At the same time, it is interesting for him that will be if they apply the same spiritual wounds to other representatives of the first class, and also suck themselves. He experiments. He is having fun. He does not just play and loses, he does everything possible in order for around him the circumstances that create a proper adventure, adventure and hot atmosphere began to break. Because it is too sluggish, too noise the consciousness placed in this thin body does not allow him "so just take and ...", for example, be a volunteer in a foreign legion. Or go to Africa to hunt for lions with a baseball bat instead of a rifle. Or jump from the cliff, counting only on the parachute. Jim Bennett - Personality is too weak even in order to take the first step towards mad love, which he craves. And let thank say that the love itself suffers from the same rabies and does not at all against personally, where it is necessary, a very young initiative. In fact, Jim Bennett is a real, typical hero of Dostoevsky, the sort of philosophical prince of Myshkin, around which various circumstances unfold, and he slowly spends their eyes, without getting up from the rubbish chair, but at the same time he wandered in his mind three times to jump on the lady , give rebuffing some kind of fluttering to dust, and then ... Then he again discovers himself sitting in the chair and revealed reflecting about how it would be great now how to jump ...


The incredible, completely inimitable interpretation of the "player", created by the modern Hollywood Pleia, who made the focus not just on Walberg's game, and the image brought to a certain proper condition, turned out ... exactly what she should have been. If the script was not redoneed three times and adapted. From the present original work, it is possible, percent of ten percent, but these ten percent were a real cream squeeze, the quintessence of the main thought: not in the wealth of physical, material and not even in the intellectual happiness of man. The irrevocative life of the Moth, the reflective spiritual lazy, living on the finished and whipped cushion of circumstances, is similar to a prolonged dream, from which the bones begins to break. And, if you still need to join together with the hero in this mood, do not rush to reck on how a bitted horse, and enter it to this meditative and relaxation trance, you can feel how great will the pleasure of awakening, getting up and the beginning of the first active actions.

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