Interview with Alyci Braga + new trailer for the film "Predators"


Alisi Braga was born on April 15 in 1983 in San Paulo, Brazil. Mother of a young star, actress Anna Braga, from childhood drove a daughter on the shooting platform, which awakened the interest of Alisi to actor. A young star is famous for Russian film workers on such projects as "blindness", "I am Legend", "Lower city", but a real breakthrough for her career was to participate in the movie "City of God", which received a large number of enthusiastic estimates of film critics. In the new film, Robert Rodriguez, who comes to Russian film distribution on July 8, Alyisi plays a professional sniper, the only woman in the team of international mercenaries, which is implanted into the very core of the group of antiheroev.

And: what is this - to be the only woman on the set?Ab: In fact, it was very cool. It was very interesting, because the boys, I call them "My boys," rendered me a huge support during filming. Sometimes, however, I felt that I was lacking a female environment. Especially when I suddenly realized that I spoke about the cars, girls and other things. ... and I caught myself that a female company would clearly not prevent me. But in general, it was a wonderful experience. The fact is that women were not so much in the film crew. During filming in Hawaii, for example, we were only two - I and the supervisor on the script.

And: Your heroine is a professional sniper. Tell us about preparing for shooting scenes with weapons.Ab: I, of course, had to train for these scenes, however, we had not so much time. The director of the picture, Nimrod Antal even prepared for me a book on preparation for snipers, such a guide to possession of weapons for the military. I studied, what skills and qualities are these professionals. It said a lot about the fact that you need to be constantly concentrated, in no case can be given to emotions, you need to consider people as a target, and not as living beings. On the first day of the filming, I tried to raise a rifle that weighs 8 kilograms and realized that with such weight it is very difficult to aim anything. I did not take place any special training course, but I was constantly trained in the hall, so that the scenes with weapons look believable. If some sniper will look a picture, I really hope that he will say: "She coped well."

And: your heroine is a very mysterious character. How much do you think you managed to reveal the secrets of her character?Ab: Isabelle is a very strong woman, she is a professional sniper. I can safely say that it looks very tough outside, but in fact she is a very cute woman. As an actress, I always try to understand what is happening inside my hero. In the case of Isabelle, I tried to give the viewer some tips so that they constantly wondered "why?", Hoping that they would begin to realize what was happening.

And: very different and interesting actors took part in the "predators" ...Ab: Yes! The cast is simply great. I think because all the actors tried to do something different from each other, we managed to reflect the families of the team. For example, Adrien Brody, at first glance, a very unusual choice for the role of such a hero. But it seems to me that he wonderfully coped with his acting task.

And: Tell us about your impressions about the shooting process?Ab: It was fun, but also difficult. We had to work in different weather conditions, sometimes it was insanely cold, and we shot a lot in nature. But it was something! I had to go very much and very quickly. I think it turned out very well. New predators look terribly, really frighteningly, and they are not visible at all in the dark. I am sure that the fans will be delighted with the new film. The director of the picture is also a huge fan of "predators", and it was obvious from the first day.

And: What is the role of Isabel in the team?Ab: My heroine is constantly trying to reconcile the partners, resolve disputes in peaceful way. She repeats all the time that their strength is to be one team, not a group of individualists. Her Motto is "together we are stronger."

And: would you like to get your action figure?Ab: Digital images were filmed with us, but this is for Creation of computer graphics . But I really hope to see my action figure. It would be just great!

The film "Predators" goes on the screens on July 8.

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