Martin Freeman barely lost their role in Sherlock because of his behavior on casting


"Sherlock" seems to be unofficially "dead", but questions about the series Martin are still asked in an interview. On the radio show of Radio BBC Radio 4 called Desert Island Discs, the actor immediately discussed two of his meaningful roles - Watson in Sherlock and Timgerbury in the British version of the "Office", admitting that he almost missed both because of his character.

It turns out that Martin is characterized by the mood differences, and when he is in the mood is bad, it is better to stay away from it. In 2001, Freman in such a state was declared to casting in the "office" to try the role of Gareth Kinana. Listening to Martin, he said, frankly failed, but the producers still made him a discount - and gave a second chance, offering trying to try the role of Tim. As we know, in the end, this role was provided to Friman the first fame outside the Native Great Britain.

The similar situation turned out and then when Freman was tried in the series "Sherlock". "The first audition has passed, to put it mildly, is not very, - remembered the actor. - For some reason, my mood was bad, well, the producers seem to have thought that I was sullen m * duck. In general, I calmly treat the fact that I don't like someone, but sometimes I can go too far, and people think - "Well, he does not care anything - and normally, take someone else" ".

Fortunately, the producers once again managed to consider something in addition to his bad mood in the actor, prescribed a repeated listening to Friman - and the rest, as they say, history.

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