Benedict Cumberbatch publicly criticized Martin Freeman for unwillingness to act in Sherlock


In an interview with The Daily Telegraph Benedict, they asked to comment on the recent words of Martin Freemanna about the fact that because of the fan hysteria around Sherlock, he no longer gets such a pleasure from the filming, as before - and in general it believes that it is not worth removing "Sherlock".

"It looks sufficient enough - if this is enough to stop wanting to hold on to your reality. What, because of someone's expectations? Well I do not know. I disagree with this "- so commented on the statements of my colleague Cumberbatch.

Back in January last year, immediately after the completion of the 4th season "Sherlock", when the question arose about the continuation, insiders argued that Cumberbatch and Freman did not burn with the desire to work together. "Benedict and Martina can not be called even buddies - they do not communicate at all outside the set," said the Sun source. "They are both professionals, they are very polite with each other, but there are no warm relationship between them, which could be expected after 6 years of collaboration." >

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