"It all started with a very strange symptom": Hugh Grant sled Coronavirus with his wife


Hugh Grant turned out to be one of the first celebrities who had to postpone COVID-19. It happened in February-March of this year, when the pandemic only made timid steps and seemed localized in China. Having visited Stephen Colbert's show, Hugh told how the disease began with him.

First, the grant sweated a lot without visible reasons. According to him, he was poured later, as if he was covered with salty poncho. Moreover, there were no other symptoms - neither cough, no temperature, nor general ailment.

Then a shortness of breath appeared - such that the eyes were ready to get out of the orbits. "It seemed that my chest was sitting at some cargo giant, I barely threw my legs and breathed even in bed," Hugh Grant said.

The third indicator later became classic. "I walked down the street," said the grant of the crumbling audience, "and suddenly understood: something has changed ... something important, and I can't understand ..." The actor has lost the ability to distinguish the smells and strangled. He was ready to sniff the garbage tanks and poured the spirits of "Chanel number 5", who took the spouses on the dressing table: "Nothing, my nose as if I went on vacation."

Hugh Grant noted that in February of this year it was still not known that the loss of smell is a faithful sign of coronavirus and after healing the smells will return. The famous actor called on to keep calm when infection and take measures to not be infected.

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