"Against the background of beautiful women you are not very": Bledans showed a photo with Sambursk at the premiere of the film


Recently, a premiere showing of the comedy film "Real boys against zombies" was held in Moscow in Moscow in the October Cinema. Many domestic stars visited this premiere, including Evelina Bledans.

After watching the film, the actress was photographed and recorded the video along with some of their colleagues, and then shared with subscribers in social networks and rollers in the personal microblog.

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In one of the video, Evelyn posed along with Nastasya Sambursk and admired the incredibly beautiful eyes of the actress, which became expressive and fabulous due to the use of the filter. Bledans drew the attention of fans and on themselves, or rather, on their leather jacket in rivets, noting that she is very fashionable and "in trend."

"We are in trend, we are Celbriti, yes!" - Picks up Nastasya Samburskaya, depicting a glamorous and extremely manner lady.

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Many fans in the comments under the post of Bledans celebrated her attractiveness, stylish clothes and called the artist charming beauty, but some critics left stars in the account of stars.

"You are so there are beautiful women, you still have more painted on their background," "Against the background of beautiful women, you don't look very," Evelina's subscribers dismissed.

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