James Franco accused of harassment to children: "Sexy maniac"


The other day, the star of the series "Dr. House" Charlin Yi in his microblog admitted that at the shooting of the film "Mount-Creator" did not feel safe. The thing is that the director and the leader of the leading role in the picture, James Franco, led himself indecent on the shooting platform. Because of this, the actress was uncomfortable and scary. She tried to leave the film, but she was not allowed. "When I tried to break the contract and leave the painting" Mount-Creator ", because James Franco is a sexy maniac, I tried to bribe a big role. I cried and told them that I wanted not at all, "said Yi. She stated that everyone around was trying to "smooth sharp corners." "They said that Franco lean himself in the past year, and now apologized. At the same time, at that time, I heard about his new bullying over women, "Charlin said.

She also told that the actor is dominated not only for women, but also children. At the same time, one of the producers of "Mount-Creator", Seth Rogan, tried to cover the celebrity.

Yi is surprised that no one wanted to take responsibility for what happened on the site. "Whose responsibility is it? Women and children who suffer from post-traumatic syndrome after Franco harassment? " - asked the actress. And added that such personalities and their minions try to influence their victims psychologically, and this has its consequences: as a result, the victims think about suicide and lose a sense of reality.

Note that the sexual harassment of James Franco began to accuse back in 2018. Then he was accused of five students from the acting school, since, according to them, the actor offered them roles in his paintings for intimate proximity. A collective claim was even compiled against him. But Franco himself has such conversations and denies its involvement.

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