Oscar-free producer caught violence: "The employee was taken out in the ambulance"


Several Scott Rudin Productions officers told about the non-professional behavior of the producer and his tendency to violence, reports The Hollywood Reporter.

The heavy character of Scott Rudden was also spoken before, but specific cases were described only now. The producer worked on such paintings as "old men there is no place", "social network", "Hotel" Grand Budapest ", and has Oscar Prizes, Tony and Emmy. At the same time, as it turned out, his staff had to be very loaving.

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Former Rudine Assistant, Andrew Coles, noted that he and his colleagues had to work with shifters for 12 hours, and the atmosphere at work was very tense. One of the former subordinate producer told how he broke a monitor's employee's hand, and the victim had to seek help to doctors.

Another employee said that Scott once launched a glass plate in the direction of the slave: she crashed on the wall and scattered into fragments, almost a man of man, but the employee had a panic attack after that, and he was taken out at the ambulance.

Another subordinate Scott banned at work to be charged, which was necessary for health. A number of people who fired from Scott Rudin Productions said that Scott was often broken, rushed with objects and food, Hamil and insulted subordinates. It is not surprising that in the company Rudda, people are not delayed for a long time: in 2005, the producer admitted that she changed 119 assistants in five years.

According to the source of the THR from the law firm, the complaints of Rud shake did not reach the court: the producer agreed with the staff, paying them compensation or promising to specify their name in the film titers. In addition, during the device to work, people signed a non-disclosure agreement.

While Rudin did not respond to accusations.

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