Hearing: "Harry Potter" may appear about Severus Snape


The famous franchise of the Harry Potter Universe can be replenished with the full-length preform about Severus Snape. About it reports Hollywood insider Daniel Richtman.

According to the expert, the film company Warner Bros. actively developing a future project. In their opinion, the upcoming film should become a link between Harry Potter and a series of "fantastic creatures", the third film of which is now in development.

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Richtman did not share any additional details, but the main question that worries fans - who will fulfill the role of Severus Snape instead of the deceased Alan Rickman, who played this character in all franchise films.

Note that this is not the only project that producers plan to expand the Universe "Harry Potter". For example, one of the future films is the play by the play "Harry Potter and the damned child". In addition, based on rumors, a serial continuation of films is being developed specifically for the HBO Max String Service.

Daniel Richtman is known for Hollywood rumors, which usually turn out to be true. So, the insider told several entertaining details regarding the development of the filmmoven Marvel, including predicting the appearance of Evan Peters in the TV series "Windowavizhn".

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