Haley Bieber upset viral video about her rudeness


Last year, Tiktok's customer Julia Carolan, who had once worked the hostess in one of the "star" restaurants, told how they behaved in the institution some celebrities. Especially did not like the Julia Behavior Haley Bieber. "I met her several times, and every time she behaved not very politely. I really wanted to think about her well, but I have to put it with 3.5 out of 10, sorry, "said Julia in his video.

In a recent interview on YouTube Channel Jessica Clemshe Hayley remembered this case. "I was very upset when I looked at this video. Rude no excuse. I'm sorry that she had such impressions from communicating with me. But we never know what is experiencing another person. There was a time when I was very hard and communicating with people was very difficult for me. I'm sorry that I was so led with Julia. I am a man, I made a mistake and led myself as I usually do not know. But I try to become better, I want to grow. And I accept adjustments and comments from the side, "Haley shared.

However, the 24-year-old model added that it does not consider that these comments should be done on social networks.

This is the second time, when the spouse of Justin Bieber apologizes to Carolan: after the release of her roller, Halee left the girl a message in the comments. "I just came across this video and I want to apologize for causing a negative from me, and for something I somehow treated. It was not intention! " - He turned to Julia Haley.

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