Irene Ponaroshka was accused of mockery over his son: "He is not fat"


The other day I was surprised by subscribers with strict methods of educating their eldest Son Seraphim. According to the journalist, the boy was inherited from his father, DJ Alexander Sheet, "irrepressible appetite" and "phlegmatic metabolism". She did not postpone the solution to the problem in a long box and planted the child to the diet.

Proud mother boasted the first successes - in two months Seraphim lost 3 kilograms. All this time, he did not eat after 19 hours, refused sweet and flour, did not forget to train 6-7 days a week. "It did not cost without a system of promotions and punishments," Irena admitted to Irena. She explained that for every kilogram drunk son gets a costly gift, but for each kilogram, he deprived of gadgets. The phone and the game prefix the boy is returned if he reset the weight again.

Many folloviers leading did not support her zeal to bring her son in excellent physical form. "From early childhood, such torments", "Hello, violation of food behavior", "hungry games are some", - indignant in the comments.

Especially Ryano defended the rights of Seraphim, the famous blogger Lena Miro, she devoted a whole post to how harmful to make children lose weight. She stated that it is possible to limit food portions only in adulthood. And excessive training, in her opinion, will lead to the destruction of the muscles. "This is quite possible to qualify as a mockery of the child," the Miro delivered the verdict. "He is not a fat, good boy," the blogger added, looking at the instagram photo of her son's photo.

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