Feduk congratulated Sasha Novikov with the 27th anniversary: ​​"My most faithful friend"


The daughter of the famous Russian restaurant Arkady Novikova celebrated another birthday. Sasha was 27 years old.

One of the first birthdays congratulated her beloved - Rapper Feduk. On his page in Instagram he dedicated a new congratulatory post. "My love and my inspirer, my most faithful friend and the closest person in this light! Happy Birthday, Sashulya, my little girl Forever, "wrote a rap musician, adding congratulations to the whole series of photographs of Sasha.

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At the same time, the conviction of the celebration itself answered him short and simple. "My Love," commented the girl dedicated to her post, adding this phrase in English with emoticons.

Sasha Novikova happy birthday congratulated other stars. Among them, the model Elena Permnova, singer Sati Casanova, stylist Alexander Rogov, as well as Daria Kurkin and Laura Jugglia.

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Note that the relevance of Novikova with a 29-year-old rapper lasts for more than two years. Despite the very long term, about their novel so far little is known, since the couple tries to take care of the attention of foreign ones.

Recall Feduk is a famous young performer who has become famous thanks to the "Pink Wine" hit. He was released with his wife Nastya Ivel Elder.

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