Adam Levin flushed in a pink dress: "Girls want to have fun"


Recently, the 42-year-old Adam Levin, the soloist of the group Maroon 5, shared a photo with his wife and daughters. The musician since 2014 is married to the Beati Princela model and raises two girls with her - 4-year-old Dusty Rose and 3-year-old JiO.

At the new photo Adam and his family pose back to the camera, holding hands. All at the same time are dressed in long dresses of pink shades, including Levin himself. "Girls want to have fun," the musician signed a photo.

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Adam's subscribers responded in different ways to his humorial publication: "It is immediately visible - the father of daughters", "Haha, to which a man has to go for his girls," "It's funny, Adam, but stay a man!", "Be careful, Now for many such jokes are not a joke, "Adam, you better show your daughters, what a man looks like. What a woman looks like, Mom will show them. "

Earlier, in an interview with Levin admitted that it nostalgic to zero and misses Pop Rock, which was popular at the time. "It is very interesting to listen to these songs now and revise the clips. I put the eldest daughter Avril Avan. Remember her I'm with You? She pierces to tears. Previously, we perceived this as due. Such a feeling that there are no more such groups, they die away. It is very sad, "the musician shared.

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