This is the sight: 11 photos of a failed manicure from grief-masters


Look in this selection of the 11 most terrible photos of the absolutely ridiculous manicure.

This is the sight: 11 photos of a failed manicure from grief-masters 121990_1

Rhinestones are, of course, well, but some simply do not know the measures. How do you need such claws from shiny pebbles? If only they did not drag the crow such a brilliant lady.

This is the sight: 11 photos of a failed manicure from grief-masters 121990_2

Nails-balls are a special type of manicure. Why is it done and how fashionable and beautiful, judge for yourself.

This is the sight: 11 photos of a failed manicure from grief-masters 121990_3

Single varnish long ago in the past, however, the abundance of flowers in a modern manicure sometimes just cuts the eyes. Would you like such a kaleidoscope on the nails?

This is the sight: 11 photos of a failed manicure from grief-masters 121990_4

Pink balls at the base of the nail, with some kind of strip there. It remains only to guess how the master came to mind such an idea, but it turned out.

This is the sight: 11 photos of a failed manicure from grief-masters 121990_5

Too long and sharp nails are not only beauty, but also a self-defense means. Obviously, this is a manicure for ladies, late returning from work. If only it would be randomly not to buy or her husband's eyes ...

This is the sight: 11 photos of a failed manicure from grief-masters 121990_6

Beads, flowers, butterflies and other rubbing on long nails - the author's fantasy flight is inexhaustible. Probably, I would still nail something, but the nails ended.

This is the sight: 11 photos of a failed manicure from grief-masters 121990_7

Sponges, bows, hearts in combination with stripped pink duct balls - theme for girls. But only for those who do not wet their hands and in general, they do nothing, otherwise how to wear it? Just admire!

This is the sight: 11 photos of a failed manicure from grief-masters 121990_8

Porous marigolds in the form of cheese, on which the mouse sits, is another innovation in the beauty industry. As far as it is beautiful, to judge you, but the photo looks funny. Children will like.

This is the sight: 11 photos of a failed manicure from grief-masters 121990_9

Apparently, some ladies miss childhood and make a manicure with children's topics. Bows, mice and toys together with bright colors look a little frightening and ridiculous.

This is the sight: 11 photos of a failed manicure from grief-masters 121990_10

Love for "McDonalds" sometimes exceeds even the voice of the mind. Why not portray your favorite fast food on your nails?

This is the sight: 11 photos of a failed manicure from grief-masters 121990_11

The "bandaged" nails look very unusual. What can, maybe such a manicure will be in fashion with health workers?

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