Drozdov told how a crocodile knocked his teeth: "It was impossible to slow"


The famous traveler and TV presenter Nikolai Drozdov recently admitted that in his life there was a case when he had to literally fight with a real crocodile. The leading program "In the world of animals" told the story that happened to him many years ago during the expedition to India.

The 83-year-old Drozdov on the day before visited the studio of the program "The Fate of Man" on the channel "Russia-1", where he remembered how Kroodila knocked his teeth. According to the TV presenter, he visited the lake where crocodiles live. However, the animals lay like a log and did not want to move. Drozdov asked for something from the employees of a kennel than you can feed animals to make them move. "I was given a dozen rat rats. I got up behind the operator and began to throw crocodiles rats. All lay motionless, but only saw the rat, as they immediately moved, "Nikolayevich Nikolayevich enthusiastically said.

Further, according to the memories of Drozdov, crocodiles began to move towards the operator, which continued to stand still and shoot, as reptiles approach him. At some point, the TV presenter realized that the time had come to drive the crocodiles to avoid trouble. And even if the animals are not in the rules of Nikolai Nikolayevich, he still had to apply strength. "It was impossible to slow here. Crocodile realized that there was nothing good, and crawled back. There was no time to think about fear, "the zoologist admitted.

According to Drozdov, after he hit the crocodile stick, the animal lost 15 teeth that the TV presenter had collected. He noted that this is not terrible for a crocodile loss, because they have teeth without roots and in two weeks they grow new.

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