Hilkevich starred with a broken shirina: "You can write anything"


34-year-old Anna Hilkevich posted a new frame in Instagram, on which she poses next to his daughter. The star saw after the publication that Lightning on her trousers was unbuttoned. "I brought all the photos of today's evening for a long time, to understand whether I spoiled a frame of unbuttoned lightning on trousers, but I did not understand. Therefore, you can write anything, it's still unreasonable, "the actress under the photo wrote.

In the comments, the subscribers rated the sense of humor Hilkevich and shared their stories with similar unpleasant situations. Also, some noticed that without signature, and they would not understand that the pants were unbuttoned. "The frame was not spoiled, but the attention was attracted! I study "," And I did not even notice! The main thing, smile! "," It seems to me that it will become a trend, "the users wrote. Not without compliments about the figure of Anna. Subscribers noticed that the actress looks very good.

Earlier, the celebrity told that for the sake of a good figure she had to work for a long time. After the second birth, she scored more than twenty kilograms, after which it took more than two years to come into the form. In addition, it was necessary to urgently reset weight for the role. In addition to a strict diet, the actress was engaged in sports and went to massage.

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