Chloe Kardashyan is trying to get rid of the "honest" photo on the net


The photo Chloe Kardashyan, which recently appeared on the network, her team intends to urgently remove, because it was published due to the "Assistant Error". However, the "honest" snapshot of the Star Realistic Show without applying photoshop has already spread over the Internet and, most likely, will remain there forever.

On the unsuccessful photo of Chloe posing by the pool in a miniature bikini with a leopard print. On this day, the big family of Kardashian celebrated Easter in the estate of Chris Jenner in the California city of La Kint. And it is worth noting that in the frame the figure Chloe looks very attractive, but not so flawless, as I would like to herself. And its skin is clearly not as smooth and even, what stars' fans are accustomed to see all other pictures in social networks of the finest.

Tracy Romulus, Chief Director of Marketing Brands Kardashian, noted that the photo was made on a private territory during a family holiday, and not for publication, and the network laid "without permission." At the same time, she called the photo "edited", and network users are surprised: if this snapshot was corrected, it turns out that everyone else is almost four thousand ideal chloe posts - not touched by filters and photoshop at all.

And Tracy Romulus emphasized that in the picture of the Chloe's pool looks great, however, how his owner she has the right to wish, to "an image that is not intended for publication has been deleted."

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