Cher raised the social network twitted about the scandalous killed George Floyd


Singer and Actress Cher published on his page on Twitter a series of records dedicated to the victim of George Floyd Police Cruelty, who made the public.

Thus, the celebrity shared with the network users with their opinion on the court over the police decek chovin, which is accused of cruelty leading to the death of Floyd. In his publications, Cher noted that he was very worried about the deceased American, and admitted that he could save him.

"I know that it will sound crazy, but I continue to think ... maybe if I were there ... I could help," wrote a singer.

She also noted that during the viewing reports from the process of "crying" and these shootings made a strong impression on it.

Network users have negatively perceived Cher tweets. They counted such statements from the star offensive, as she minimized the participation of witnesses who were there.

"Cher, I think you are cool and all that, but this is not enough. Murder George Floyd is not about you. And do not insult injured witnesses who were there and did everything possible to save his life, "the singer's subscribers are commenting.

Others, however, noted that the Sher tries to help all communities, the problems of which will know, and is known for their "open-hearted".

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