Biografs Princesses Diana doubted by Pravdruity Megan Marcle


From the moment the Prince Harry and his wife Megan Oarle told about his life in the royal palace and the decision to move to America, a lot of time passed. However, the press continues to discuss the words of the Duchess, who were surprised, and others were forced to doubt their truthfulness.

Biografs Princesses Diana doubted by Pravdruity Megan Marcle 122018_1

So, the English journalist and the royal biographer Andrew Morton expressed his opinion on the statements of Megan Marcha. The writer believes that not all statements of Duchess are true. In particular, according to Morton, the former actress before the wedding and after led a completely normal life, which can hardly be called imprisonment.

We will remind, Megan Plant argued in a conversation with Obrey Winfrey that after the engagement with Prince Harry had a passport and all documents, and before the start of any occupation she had to ask permission. Prince Harry's wife complained about a large number of prohibitions in the Royal Palace. "My friends once saw meghan went to the Kensington Palace with food packages from the Whole Foods store. Not like a prison. Other people saw her with friends in restaurants, so it seems to me that she led a normal life, "said Andrew.

Biografs Princesses Diana doubted by Pravdruity Megan Marcle 122018_2

At the same time, the journalist nevertheless noted that Princess Diana, and Megan Plankeepers have similar complaints and, perhaps, at some point were in similar situations. Andrew Morton replied, is it possible to compare the experience of the Duchess of Sussekaya and her deceased mother-in-law. "Yes and no. When I watched an interview, I noted: "Yes, a sense of isolation. Yes, despair. " It was what Diana told me, "said the biographer.

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