Olga Buzov, ridiculously ridiculed on a red carpent: "Remove Babushkin Tulle"


After the "Heat Music Awards 2021" awards held on April 4, the outfit, in which the singer and TV presenter Olga Buzova appeared on a red carpet pathway. So, she chose a magnificent white dress with ruffles and a long loop, which almost all caused an association with wedding. By the way, she sewed it was to order one of the Russian designers.

Olga decided to publish in the personal microblog in Instagram "Carousel" from the personnel, as well as the video where it is captured at the event.

"Here I am. On the red track of the @Zharatv premium. I missed, "the artist signed the roller. Under the other post, she asked her fans about what thoughts arose from them as soon as they saw her photos from a red carpet.

However, instead of compliments, the performer received a lot of sharp critical comments.

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"You need to find a stylist," "The dress is terrible. Tsygans still put on the 70s "," take away Babushkin Tulle "," The first thought - Olya and Tulle "," How bad the dress is sitting on top, "wrote Folloviers in the comments. Olga their messages left unanswered.

Note that this is far from the first time, when the fair is condemned for its appearance. For example, many have recently discussed the dress that the artist put on a party in honor of his 35th anniversary, calling it too vulgar and open.

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