The star of "Voronina" commented on the news of urgent hospitalization


The news that the star of the TV series "Voronina" Stanislav Frienders was urgently taken to the hospital in a serious condition, appeared on the Internet on the eve. It has been reported that the health of the actor began to deteriorate markedly against the background of the boring coronavirus. As a result, the star was taken from the pneumonia to one of the metropolitan clinics.

An 47-year-old actor did not in touch for some time, however, journalists of the TV channel "360" managed to contact the friendship and learn about his condition. As it turned out, the actor was extremely surprised by such news. "I don't know at all where you have this information from. I can not comment, "replied the star of" Voronin. "

The Honored Artist of Russia Stanislav Friendlies is known to many of his role in the good policeman Lomen of Voronin. Among the bright roles, the actor has work in the film "DBM" and the "Kamenskaya" series. On the personal life of the friendships do not like to frank. It is known that he was married to actress Christine Babushkina. They lived in marriage for about five years. In this relationship, friendship was born the only daughter of Ustinya, which this year will be 14 years old. Now the star of "Voronina" is not officially married, but it is known that for several years it meets with a florist Katerina Volga.

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